Stroopie Waffle Crumble Mix Gift Jars: Traditional

Regular price $16.95

10oz of Stroopie Waffle Crumble Snack Mix in a reusable jar. Using the edge pieces of our delicious Stroopwafel cookies to make another GREAT product for your shelves, these Stroopie Crumble Mixes make for an awesome gift or on-the-go snack. In an effort to create less waste, we mix our delicious Stroopie "crumbles" with goodies like chocolate, candy, pretzels, and seasonal flavors (i.e. Pumpkin Spice). Our Crumble Mix varieties are strategically matched to the already best selling Stroopie cookie varieties that you'll find in our shop. Display your different Stroopie Crumble Mixes next to their cookie partner, or on their own for an equally eye-catching set up. Made in USA